Reducing the risks of illness or injury in the workplace is important and having the resources on hand to deal with an emergency is also important. One way to make the workplace safer is to train your employees with the skills they need to create that safe environment or at least aid in it. First aid and CPR training is one way to make the workplace safer and make responding to accidents or illnesses more effective and efficient.
Who Should Be Trained?
In some companies, every employee will receive training and be required to maintain that training yearly to keep their job, but that model is not right for every company. You will need to decide who will get the training in your company or if all your employees will be required to have it. In some larger businesses, the company may choose to have an emergency response group within the facility that is made up of employees that will leave their job and respond to an accident or illness on the property and act as a first responder until help arrives.
How Much Training Is Needed?
When you start to look at training employees for emergencies, you may want to start with basic first aid and CPR. These are the two things that will be most commonly used in the workplace. Knowing how to apply a bandage, when to apply an ice pack, or how to do CPR if needed will make a difference, and the training is easily completed
Who Will
If you are considering training your employees with basic first aid and CPR, there are several non-profit organizations out there that will come in and train your people for a very small fee. Some of these organizations offer training for trainers as well. You might want to take advantage of that and have several employees trained to be the instructor for your courses so that training can be held in-house, during business hours. The training takes a few weeks and is not very expensive. If you have employees that are interested in becoming a trainer, it will also give you the ability to offer training to new employees in smaller groups without the added expense of sending them to a class somewhere else. In-house trainers, trained employees, and an emergency plan can be great for your business. It will create a safer environment for you and your employees alike. To find out more, speak with a business like American Heart Association - AED $40 CPR LLC - Certification Training Classes.